प्रबोधिनी की ओर से विधायकों के निजी सहायकों के लिए प्रमाण पत्र पाठ्यक्रम वर्ष 1992 से आयोजित किया जा रहा है। यह पाठ्यक्रम विधायकों के निजी सहायकों को एक गहरी राजनीतिक समझ और एक व्यापक दृष्टिकोण के साथ-साथ उनकी प्रशासनिक क्षमताओं को भी बढ़ाता है। अब तक कुल 600 से ज्यादा निजी सहायक इस कार्यक्रम का लाभ उठा चुके हैं। इस वर्ष पहली बार उत्तराखंड के विधायाकों के सहयोगियों के लिए ऑनलाईन पाठ्यक्रम का आयोजन 5 से 8 जून के बीच आयोजित किया जा रहा है।

Learning objectives:
- जनसंघ से भाजपा की यात्रा
- हमारा विचार परिवार
- निजी सहायकों की भूमिका और जिम्मेदारियाँ
- विधानमंडल कार्यप्रणाली और उपकरण
- व्यक्तित्व विकास
- विधायक कार्यालय का प्रबंधन
- सोशल मीडिया प्रबंधन
- विधानसभा क्षेत्र में कल्याणकारी योजनाओं का प्रभावी कार्यान्वयन
Who can attend
वर्त्तमान विधायकों के अधिकृत सहयोगी
Programme Dates: 5-8 June 2021
Session Plan: 4 days with 2 classes a day
Session 1 – 10:30 am -11:30 am
Session 2 – 04:00 pm -05:00 pm
Batch Size
Fee Details
Programme Coordinator(s)
For any query on this course please contact
Aditya Virmani: 8630570396, aditya.virmani@iidl.org.in
Ashutosh Mishra, 9167615266, ashutoshm@rmponweb.org
Kamlakant Pathak, 7208070872, kamlakantp@rmponweb.org
BATCH I : Report of Certificate Course in Political Assistantship:: UP
With total 25 participants belonging to 21 MLAs from Awad Sector of Uttar Pradesh among them 1 was female.The average age of the batch was 36 years and the age variation we had was from 23 – 60 years. Organized between 21st July 2020 to 24th July 2020, 4 days having 2 sessions daily totaling 8 sessions of 1 hour each. Although originally the course was of 8 hours but in actual, we had a class time of around 9.5 hours. RMP DG Ravindra sathe ji along with Shri Mahesh Chandra Sharma ji graced us during the inaugural session whereas Uttar Pradesh State BJP President Shri Swatantra Dev Singh ji blessed the participants in the valedictory session.
The following topics were discussed during sessions by experts :
1. RSS and its organisations – Ravindra Sathe ji
2.Jan Sangh to BJP – Shiv Shakti Bakshi ji
3.Personality Development- Vikrant singh Tomar ji
4.Social media management – Devendra Pai ji
5.Roles and responsibilities of Political Assistant- Vishakha Kulkarni ji
6.MLA office management – Vishakha Kulkarni ji
7.Working of Bidhanmandal – Satish Mahana ji ( Cabinet Minister, Dept. of Infrastructure & Industrial Development , Uttar Pradesh government)
8.Schemes of UP government – Ashok Kataria ji (Gen. Secretary BJP UP, Minister of State with Independent charge Transport, and Parliamentary Affairs, Uttar Pradesh Government)
The Avg. attendence during each sessions was around 88 % .
Dipanto Kumar Sen, Course coordinator

BATCH II : Report of Certificate Course in Political Assistantship:: UP
With total 33 participants belonging to 29 MLAs from Kashi and Gorakhpur Sector of Uttar Pradesh.The average age of the batch was 28 years and the age variation we had was from 19 – 49 years.
Organized between 7th August 2020 to 10th August 2020, 4 days having 2 sessions daily totaling 8 sessions of 1 hour each. Although originally the course was of 8 hours but in actual, we had a class time of around 9 hours. RMP DG Ravindra sathe ji along with Shri Sidharth Nath Singh ji ( Cabinet minister, Uttar Pradesh Government ) graced us during the inaugural session whereas Shri Mahesh Sharma ji blessed the participants in the valedictory session.
The following topics were discussed during sessions by experts :
1. RSS and its organisations – Ravindra Sathe ji
2. Jan Sangh to BJP – Shiv Shakti Bakshi ji
3. Personality Development- Vikrant singh Tomar ji
4. Social media management – Devendra Pai ji
5. Roles and responsibilities of Political Assistant- Vishakha Kulkarni ji
6. MLA office management – Vishakha Kulkarni ji
7. Working of Bidhanmandal – Satish Mahana ji ( Cabinet Minister, Dept. of Infrastructure & Industrial Development , Uttar Pradesh government)
8. Schemes of UP government – Dr. Satish Dwivedi ji ( Minister of State with Independent charge, Uttar Pradesh Government)