राजनीतिक क्षेत्र में कार्यकर्त्ताओ को अधिकतम समय समाज के समक्ष,विभिन्न विषयों पर अपने पक्ष को प्रभावी रूप में रखना पड़ता है, चुनावों के दौरान,तो किसी विशेष कार्यक्रमों और आयोजनों में अपने विचार भाषण के माध्यम से रखने होते है। वर्तमान समय की राजनीतिक पार्टियों में बहुत ही कम निपूर्ण और प्रभावी वक्ता है। वक्ता,व्यक्ति अपने प्रयत्नों से बनता है। वक्ता तैयार करने की जो प्रकिया है, इसमें जिन विविध पहलूओ को आत्मसात करने की आवश्यकता है, उनका संक्षिप्त में पहचान कराना ही रामभाऊ म्हालगी प्रबोधिनी का धेय और धर्म है। इसके लिए युवा कार्यकर्त्ताओ के लिए भाषण कला( Public Speaking) विषय पर तीन दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण का आयोजन किया जा रहा है।
Learning objectives:
- Reading Techniques
- Voice Culture
- Body language and communication skills
- Content preparation for speech
- Presentation skills for Speech(Part1)
- Presentation skills for Speech(Part 2)
Who can attend
Aspire to be an effective leader
Programme Dates: 15-17 August 2020
Session Plan: 3 days with 2 classes a day
Session 1 – 10.30 am – 11.30 am
Session 2 – 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm
Batch Size
Hindi and English
Fee Details
₹ 600 (inclusive of taxes)
Programme Coordinator(s)
For any query on this course please contact
Hemashu Rai, 9818035981, hemashu.rai@gmail.com
Ashutosh Mishra, 9167615266, ashutoshm@rmponweb.org
Kamlakant Pathak, 7991187134, kamlakantp@rmponweb.org
Dippanto Sen, 9831805329, dipanto.sen@iidl.org.in
BATCH I : Report of Public Speaking
The batch was having participants from across the length and breadth of India right from Jammu & Kashmir UT in north to Tamil Nadu in South and from Arunachal Pradesh in far east to Maharashtra in west.
With total 28 + 2 participants among them 7 were female. We had in attendance BJP UP Gen. Secretary & MLC, and a corporator from Indore Municipal corporation, among others. The average age of the batch was 31 years and the age variation we had was from 17 – 47 years. They belong to 8 states and 2 UT, if we see the state wise breakup then 12 participants were from Maharashtra, Arunachal Pradesh- 1, Uttar Pradesh- 1, Karnataka- 4, Telangana-3, Gujrat- 1, Madhya Pradesh- 3, Tamil Nadu- 1, Delhi – 1, Jammu & Kashmir- 1. They belong to diverse educational and occupational backgrounds right from educationalist, Engineers, Doctors, lawyers, PA to member of parliaments, member NCPCR, Delhi child welfare commission member and urban planner enrolled as participants.
The programme
Organized from 26th June 2020 to 28th June 2020, 3 days having 2 sessions daily totaling 6 sessions of 1 hour each. Although originally the course was of 6 hours but in actual, we had a class time of around 8.5 hours. RMP DG Ravindra sathe ji along with Rakesh Upadhayay ji graced us during the inaugural session whereas MP Rajya Sabha and BJP National spokesperson Dr. Sudhanshu Trivedi ji blessed the participants in the valedictory session.
The following topics were discussed during sessions by experts :
- Reading Techniques by shri Rakesh Upadhayay ji
- Structure & Content for Speech by Mandar Bharade ji
- Voice Culture by Shri Pramod Pawar ji
- Body language by Dr Aarti Suryavanshi
- Communication skills by Priya Sawant ji
BATCH II : Report of Public Speaking
With total 36 participants among them 4 were female.The average age of the batch was 36 years and the age variation we had was from 20 – 66 years. They belong to 7 states and 2 UT, if we see the state wise breakup then 14 participants were from Maharashtra, West Bengal- 1, Uttar Pradesh- 10, Karnataka- 2, Uttarakand – 1, Madhya Pradesh- 5, Bihar- 1, Delhi – 1, Chandigarh- 1. They belong to diverse educational and occupational backgrounds right from Engineers, lawyers, Journalist, Entrepreneurs, BJP & RSS office bearers, etc.
The programme
Organized from 15th August 2020 to 17th August 2020, 3 days having 2 sessions daily totaling 6 sessions of 1 hour each. Although originally the course was of 6 hours but in actual, we had a class time of around 9 hours. BJP vice president and vice chairman of RMP shri Vinay Sahasrabuddhe ji graced us during the inaugural session whereas RMP DG Ravindra sathe ji blessed the participants in the valedictory session.
The following topics were discussed during sessions by experts :
- Reading Techniques by shri Hitesh Shankar ji
- Structure & Content for Speech by Shri Vinay Sahasrabuddhe ji
- Voice Culture by Shri Pramod Pawar ji
- Body language by Priya Sawant ji
- Communication skills by Harita Marwaha ji
- Presentation Skills by Shri Ajit Joshi ji