“I am a Sarpanch from a small village. This course gave a bigger exposure than I had which led in an improvement in my personality most importantly public speaking both in terms of quality and quantity”

“I am a Sarpanch from a small village. This course gave a bigger exposure than I had which led in an improvement in my personality most importantly public speaking both in terms of quality and quantity”
“I thought I knew everything before doing this course, but this course opened up my eyes and I realized there were so many things about my country which I didn’t know.”
“Participating in IIDL was a life changing experience for me. When I joined the first class I had very little political knowledge and no family background. This course gave me a crystal clear idea about all dimensions of politics, governance and leadership. Apart from the courses content, the beautiful campus and staff made me feel that the campus is my second home.”
“IIDL gave me an opportunity to understand political ideologies and social issues which I am sure is going to play an important role in shaping up public life. I would call IIDL as the socio-political IIT of India which is on a quest to hone socio-political engineers.”
“स्वरुपाच्या बाबतीत सांगायचं झालं तर,हाच अभ्यासक्रम दोन टप्प्यांत करता येईल का याचा विचार आपण करायला पाहिजे,म्हणजे भाग एक आणि दोन असं म्हणजे सखोल होईल.तसे हे स्वरुप पण अचूक होते पण आटोपशीर वाटले, एकंदरीत सगळे स्मरणात राहील असे होते.
बहुतेक सर्वच मार्गदर्शक वक्ते आणि त्यांचा व्यासंग आणि अभ्यास परिचयाचा होता. चारी दिवसातील एकत्रित प्रभाव, हिंदुत्व या विषयाची जाणीव-जागृती खूपच तीव्र करून गेला.
हिंदुत्व आणि एकूणच हिंदू धर्म ह्या विषयी तरुण पिढीत नव्याने जागृती यायला लागली आहे.पण ह्या विषियाची म्हणावी तशी माहिती त्यांना पुरेपूर उपलब्ध होत नाही. त्या मुळे ह्या पद्धतिचा अभ्यासक्रम काळाची गरज आहे.
Need more examples of election field, which can create better understanding of each concept.. As the course was specifically for election or politics, the participants were of the similar mindset.
Due to very interesting topics, I felt sessions are very short and session numbers are also less. It is better if there are 3 sessions. Because three faculty are there.. I liked Tarit sir’s lectures more
“The course must be 15 days long Because 5 days times don’t do justice with depthy subject and session will be 2 hours “